♥ Friday, August 24, 2007
the first nightmare officially embarks tomorrow, need truckloads of lucks i suppose.
because im still currently stucked at trees. which is only at like L11. i have L26 in total.
which means 15 more lectures to go. a round of midnight oil to burn.
thank god, my paper is at night.
but i doubt i wont sweat there. sports hall = no aircon.
im anticipating to watch the bbts with hsiao jing teng. i can sense cuteness.
anyway, the long awaited cutie spree. arnd 4 - 5months ago. finally arrived at the organiser's place. please make it quick.
thanks jiaying for her mario stylus and pink cake lip bum (:
did you enjoy your birthday night when it strikes 12am?
we will meet up soon.. for a swim? (before the indo poke leaves. -____-)
alright a must to leave to mugg. please wish me good luck all.
♥ Saturday, August 11, 2007
ARGH. backache. seems like really gonna have an impact for long term.
watched secret yesterday. we are prolly the most irritating ppl in the cinema.
we kept laughing at not funny scenes and hallucinating that it is a horror movie.
and kept having interrupts of "bye bye".
finally marked my last presentation yesterday of sem 1 yr 2.
the last assignment will be finishing off with the brochure of our newly designed wheelchair.
we werent even taught how to do it in the first place that is.
i wanna get some stuffs from g-cube lah. the pink stuffs.
i got the mouse now. im working towards the webcam and ext usb port. i couldnt seem to find the ext usb port anywhere though.
we were in the "encounter" of both cuteboy and the money-picker boy yesterday in the lab.
we were there to reprint our assignment report in case i sound like we stalked them.
we call money-picker boy that because he picked up my money for me before. alright i know sounds damn not creative.
but anyway...................... hes merely a year 1. haha.
we were like kept laughing at him in the lab. because he kept turning over damn unconsciously and obliviously. and he realizes that we were having dimwit discussions then he kept turning to look and even smiled pls. that was even hilarious right.
there was a part i was telling jasmine bout him being poor thats why he "picked up" my money for me. apparently he was holding his file. alright i dont know why i called that a folio. sounds dumb. but he got it. he turned immediately leaving me and jasmine 's instant reaction of hiding behind the comp monitors.
me and jasmine enjoy calling ourselves names. like L** and se **. hahahaha. sounds damn crude but fun!
here comes the interesting part. he and his clique was leaving the lab already then all of a sudden he took the initiative to say bye bye and you know he even waved bye. that was the cutest thing.
the whole thing is damn cute. if you were to witness that incident you will prolly behave like us. (laughing it for a day!)
but the main point is. WE DONT KNOW EACH OTHER. HAHAHA.
at least i will declare him brave because he took the initiative. ahahaha. unlike cuteboy, who only dare to peep and hide behind his friends. hahaha i bet all his friends know alr lah.
pls lah we met him in the same lab at the same time also. he only know how to act cool nehhhzzxxx. =.=
aiyah i shall go and watch shows already.
i suppose its time to mugg but im not in for it yet.
♥ Friday, August 10, 2007

the end product of our pepper lunch board =D
drawn by me. damn good i know. hahaha
junyang claims that only i will be able to draw out the jap words. what is he trying to imply?
i love the board. looks damn real though i changed some font sizes according to our board size. haha.
better not take a look at my model. so unrepresentable! (well, at least to me)
last formal presentation tml. damn scared i cannot wake up cause im still trying to scribble nonsense for my script. (while typing this entry)

check out my communication prob with thai boy.
pls lah. like aliens languages. to me they are just symbols. you know SYMBOLS?
haha and pls samm next time i think you can translate to me. cause you can interpret his SYMBOLS better than me i suppose. at least you did a lil' just now. hahas.
and out of sudd he said "i need you" i mean HEY. WTH? are we that close?
although we know each other for like 4 yrs? hahaha. but totally -.-
and he sudd type thai to me just now. samm says it is. to me it was just alphabets put tgt without meaning or purposes. hahaha.
if its not he looks cute i will prolly give up him talking. im realistic lah.
haha like cat meowing to a barking dog. ok like a totally bad example.
will hand in csad tml. i dont know how to edit lah. and im damn lazy to even start up visual studio that will slow down my whole lappy's performance.
shall see tml if we wanna edit lah.
off to scripttt. happy birthday singapore.
♥ Sunday, August 05, 2007

super summer 4. hahaha
donghae discovered the hidden camera i think.
damn smart.
birthday update soon. im lazy lah.
rushing assignment now again.
im done with the codes. but need to edit for searchAndDisplayBookDetails.
argh i hate that. bye